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Is the software web based and do I need any downloads to run it?

The software is web based and any web browser will work. It can even be accessed through a smart phone or ipad.

Will it work on a Mac?

Yes,  even on an ipad or smart phone.

Is the software linked to my billing service or do I need to enter all those payments?

The software can be used as a stand alone program with no automatic billing feature or can be linked to our merchant service provider for full use of our integrated billing feature.

Does the software support multiple belt systems within one dojo?

Yes,  one of the great features about our software is the ability to assign multiple belts and testing goals to
one student without having to enter the students twice into the database.

Why am I required to pay a monthly fee for the software?

The monthly fee covers: Access to software, backing up of data in 2 different locations, customer support, online staff training, and enhancements made to the software.

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Some of our Current Clients


Tel: 315-727-3952

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